• Swingers Contacts, Forum, Chat, Meet Tonight, Swinging Meets

    After Dark first started on the internet in 1999 as a small independent swingers site run by real genuine swingers and throughout the years we have still kept the same personal touch and involvement with our members.

    New to this? Well no need to worry, we can help you find what it is you are looking for in your area, just post in the forums, or contact other members via our private messaging system, or chat room. Swinging After Dark has dedicated regional forums, and unlike many other websites we allow you to post anything including email and contact details with no restrictions. Browse the members photo galleries, watch the videos, and look up the clubs, parties and dogging locations in your area. Not certain about how to get started?, ask the members on the After Dark Forums, you will find the forums a real fun friendly place to post and chat and engage in conversation.

    We hold regular monthly parties and social events around the UK, these are a great way for people to come along and break the ice by having a fun day or night out, a few drinks and a giggle, maybe a BBQ if the sun is shining, but always no pressure and just great liberated fun!!

    Online since 1999, making us most probably the oldest most established swingers website on the Internet.

    Swinging - Local Swingers - Dogging Locations - Maps - Directions - Dogging Contacts - Dogging Meets - Photos and Videos - GloryHole Locations - Direct Contacts - Full Access to ALL After Dark Websites

  • Log into our Members area and view the Contacts, Photos, Videos, Locations, Maps, directions and more, and start swinging and dogging today!!